Better and better every day
With that in mind, I just returned from my 30th class reunion and it was a good time for me to reflect, catch up and put some issues behind me.
It started with a visit to my favorite cousin. Sorry to the rest of the crew but anyone in my family doesn't agree that Rick is one of the most genuinely nice folks descended from my grandmother, you've got your head where the sun doesn't shine. It was a privilege to spend time with him.
I also got to visit with the guy who's probably my best friend (besides my wife). We've been through it all and still enjoy the time we spend together. You're one of the best, Glenn. I'd go through it all again if you were there for the trip.
In an unexpected turn, I also got to spend a day with my sister. Now those of you who know me would be surprised to hear me report that it was a good thing to do. We've put a lot of issues behind us. There's still some healing I need to do but we've made some major breakthroughs.
Probably the best part of this trip was encountering a special woman. I carried a torch for her for the better part of these last 30 years. I have to say that her friendship and caring when we were young probably helped to survive my late teen years. But the really great part was when I was able to tell her that while I still loved her, the obsession is over. We're both in good places in our lives and while I'll always cherish the memory, I've finally moved on and hope she's healthy and happy. If we remain friends, that's good enough.
I also had a sad situation arise. My oldest friend had married after we lost touch and I was saddened to hear that his wife had died. There's not much one can say that carries any meaning when hearing news like this but I hope he knows that if there were some way I could ease his pain, I'd do it. I'm just so sorry.
So that wraps yet another blog. More later.